Friday, September 26, 2008

The Little Things

It has been a really crappy week and today it rained. I was thinking that I needed to do something nice for myself to help my mental state. (NO comments from ANYONE on that one.) I got onto iTunes and decided to purchase some music. Since I am a poor college student, I go right to the $.99 singles. I took about an hour and bought 2 singles for my iPod. Then I bought an album. Then I forced myself to get out of that evil place. Who would have thought that something like music could get you into so much trouble? For those of you who either don't have iPods or don't visit iTunes, I feel a little bad for you and a little jealous. It is the coolest place ever and they have every kind of music, video, TV show and movie you could ever want. They also have these things called podcasts, (no they are not from outerspace), that are everything you could ever think of, from anything you could ever think of, to listen to. Trust me whe I say that there is something for literally everyone. What, you may ask, is the absolute best thing about can spend a ton of money with just a click and have the best music library EVER, and you can waste an entire evening figuring out what you want!

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