Friday, May 2, 2008

Softball Time

Tonight was K.C.'s first game of the season for the Fun team. It was about 45 degrees, windy and rainy. It sprinkled through the entire game...except for the 5 minutes that it absolutely poured. Now, some parents go to their cars when it rains and is cold like it was tonight. I consider myself a hard core parent because I stood right out there in all of the elements and suffered. I got wet and cold and didn't feel my nose for 3 hours but I cheered for my kid and even other people's kids. (Who else would cheer for those poor children of the car dwelling parents?)
I am not sure why I feel a sense of pride in the fact that I was not smart enough to come in out of the rain. I even feel a sense of pride in the fact that my child did not complain about playing in the cold and wet. Me! The one who felt there was no pride in natural childbirth. I signed in as Ms. Epidural when I got to the hospital. I had heard the tails of women who went drug free when they gave birth and used this experience as a medal of honor to be proudly displayed to anyone who had ever had, or knew of anyone who had ever had a baby. I thought that wearing labor pain like a medal was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. Who would be dumb enough to endure that much pain for bragging rights? Definitely NOT worth it...I wanted drugs and I was proud of that!
Makes me think twice about my priorities and my definition of stupidity.

Oh yeah...we won. 3-2 in the last inning and K.C. scored the winning run!!!!! Go team!

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