OK... it has been quite a while since I have posted and for the one or two of you actually read, I hope you are sticking with me and will continue to bear with me! We got a kitten today. Yes, we did already have a dog and a dog who hated the last cat we had but we were very hopeful this time and guess what? The kitten and the dog actually seem to be getting along! Perhaps the maternal instinct in the dog won out this time. The other cat was an adult when the dog chose us as her family and they fought like the proverbial tale. We were possibly correct in guessing that the dog would be better with a kitten. We have our reasons, probably the dog has different ones but the bottom line is that there is fur harmony happening in the house and we are all happy!
Softball, (the fun team), has continued and they have continued to win!! Go team! Actually, the season is almost over and we have only suffered 2 defeats. Both were close and both were to the same team. KC has pitched several times and she is awesome. She has also decided, after playing the infield from age 4 1/2 to age 11, that she now wants to be an outfielder. Since there are several girls on the team who, due to ability, can only play one or two positions, the coach was more than willing to try KC anywhere she wanted to play. She is a good judge of the ball and her arm is about the best on the team. It turns out that she is the best outfielder they have and looks like she has been playing there her entire life. Who knew? Anyway, you all heard about the not so fair weather parents who chose to honk from their cars during the 40 degree days and the rain. It turns out that those same parents also like to sit in their cars when it is 94 degrees out. Since my mother, my 70 something year old neighbor and my almost 94 year old grandfather sit out in the heat, I give those parents no sympathy. Oh yeah, I sit out there too! The tournament team will be starting soon so I will keep you updated.
I am off of school for the summer. For the first summer of my college career I decided to take the summer off. It feels really good to be able to read something I WANT to read instead of something I HAVE to read. I am currently reading The Golden Compass, I will let you know about that when I am done as well.
Today was the first time in 15 years that I missed the Pride Day Parade. Normally I feel it is an obligation to get myself out there for the parade and march and see people I haven't seen for a year and show the world, (well, the Syracuse world), that I am a proud lesbian and a proud lesbian mom. Today I sort of forgot about the parade, had a small stomach bug, and mowed the lawn at my grandfather's house instead. I assure you I am still proud and very out, I guess I am just getting older.
Happy Pride everyone!!!!!