The world is definitely getting more interesting these days. I am about to start my very last semester as an undergraduate student. Although I thought this day would never actually arrive, my mind can only wrap itself around the words "Thank god!" right now. Perhaps I will feel differently in May when I graduate, and I'm quite certain I will feel differently 10 years from now.
These holidays have been shared with family which is always the highlight for me. I live for time with my family and was only sad that My brother John, sister Marly, and nephew J.J. could not make it here for the holidays. I miss them but hope to find some time to see them soon. KC, of course was a very good girl and got all sorts of great things for Christmas but most of all, she got to see all of her extended family and she was happy about that. For a kid who really needs a road map to climb her family tree, she does OK. Just the fact that technically I am an only child, but I am one of 9, makes it hard enough. Add in the fact that she really has 3 parents, add all of the grandparents and great grandparents that accompany them and their various ex husbands or wives, (most of whom we are still very close to), and you really have a great time when figuring things like cards, invitations, and such, and I personally think the kid should get a medal just for remembering names and titles!! Anyway, as I said, family is very important and with the exception of John, Marly and J.J, we were lucky enough to see most of them.
I have my interview for graduate school this coming Friday so anyone who is still reading please send me some positive energy Friday around noon. I have been shadowing a chiropractor for the last couple of weeks and it has lead me to know in my heart that going to chiropractor school is the absolute right path for me. All of the voices inside of my head were telling me that it was the right decision but now I know that they were telling me the truth. I have never had such a feeling of peace and a sense of belonging as I had when I was in the office with Dr. Dave. It was really amazing and I thank him for the opportunity to follow him around!
I hope everyone had great holidays and I hope the new year holds everything you need for happiness and peace.