Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Weather School

I live in upstate New York, therefore I'm more familiar than your average bear with meteorology. We have over 100 degree temperature changes, season to season, and there is a familiar saying that goes "If you don't like the weather in Syracuse, just wait a minute and it will change." The last 24 hours have me stumped!

Last night it was 34 degrees and it was snowing. Overnight it was 32 degrees and we had freezing rain. This morning it is 31 degrees and it is just simply raining. Does this seem a little off to anyone else?

Just to show you that I do know about weather... we had a little snow storm a few years ago and this was a major highway about 20 miles from my house! (Yes folks, that is a truck in there!)


1 comment:

Kelly Hill said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I love bad weather. Yes, it stumps me, but I love it.