Friday, April 18, 2008

Softball Time

This will be a title that you will probably see quite often in the near future. For those of you who don't know, K.C. plays fast pitch softball. She has been playing since she was 4 1/2 and she is quite good! Up until this year, she has only been playing on a recreational league where anyone who wants to play, is the right age, and can afford to pay for it can play. This year she is still playing in the recreational league but she is also playing on a tournament team for the first time. Again, for those of you who have never had the pleasure of trying to figure out children's sports, this is a league where you have to be the right age and you still have to be able to afford to pay for it, (and it is wickedly expensive!), but one has to try out for this kind of team. (I guess that is why it is so expensive...all of those try out times.) Anyway, I had planned to keep you all up to date by separating the 2 teams by color but...yup, you guessed it, they are both red and black. Hmmm. I hesitate to call them the "good" team and the "bad" team because there is a slight chance that one will be a good team and one will be a not so good team and it could get confusing if I have not chosen correctly. (Of course.) I think I will call one the "Fun" team and one the "Serious" team. (I'm pretty sure you will be able to figure out which is which.)
I would not be a good mother if I did not take the time to keep you all updated on the progress, (or lack there of), of both of my daughter's teams so be warned that I am a proud mom and be looking for this blog title again!

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